E-Rate Project FAQs
E-Rate information
For eRate 470 application: 250014638
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application: TBD
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application: 240009955
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application: 240011941
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application: 240018834
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. Do you have a set of plans for the cabling that my operations team can review so they can provide an accurate quote?
A1. Unfortunately, not at this point which makes planning this very difficult. My administration last told me electrical engineers are finalizing their part and then it should go back to the architect for completion.
Q2. How is the Bus Barn across the street from Maintenance at the High school fed for network or communications right now? Is that connected with a Point to Point?
A2. They have a DSL connection and are not connected to our network.
For eRate 470 application: 230012278
Additional information:
1. A vendor has requested a walkthrough and it has been scheduled for January 30th at 10:00am. We will be meeting at 104 Poth St, Yoakum, TX 77995, pass through security and go to other locations from there. Please make sure anyone attending has a valid driver's license. This is not a required meeting.
2. The bid due date for this application has been extended to February 14th, at 5:00PM (CST).
3. This update is related to part I of form 470 # 230012278. I’ve discovered that I failed to include that our district needs 13 usable, static, public IP addresses in the original request/RFP. I’ve updated the 470 to include an additional RFP requesting this. If you are bidding on this part of the request and need to amend your proposal, please do so. If your proposal already has options for this included or you are not bidding on part I of the request, please disregard.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. I was wondering if you could please verify that the location where the yellow pin is at is the correct location for the Yoakum ISD Technology Department?
A1. We are in the building behind your pin at the red dot here:
Q2. Can you please confirm that Yoakum ISD has (or will have at the time of service delivery) available ports in your switches for our SFPs? (Related to Specification #3, only required equipment could be our SFPs if the district switches have available ports.)
A2. Our fiber switch has 6 ports in use for our current service and those ports will become available for these services.
Q3. I was wondering if the District is allowing vendors to come on-site in order to sharpen the estimating process?
A3. A meeting has been scheduled for January 30th at 10:00am. We will be meeting at 104 Poth St, Yoakum, TX 77995, pass through security and go to other locations from there. Please make sure anyone attending has a valid driver's license. This is not a required meeting.
For eRate 470 application 230016113:
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. Would you please clarify the product( data, COAX, fiber, voice) and speed?
A1. A coax cable modem connection, equivalent, or better would suffice in this location. This is a site with a single user, so probably the lowest speed you offer would be good. The RFP lists 10 to 100 Mbps.
Q2. What term would you prefer?
A2. We need a 1-year term for this service.
For eRate 470 application 230020318:
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application 230020281:
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application 220010812:
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application 220011378:
Additional information:
1. The deadline for bids has been extended until noon CST on 2/22/2022.
Vendor Questions:
1. None at this time.
For eRate 470 application 210017736:
Additional information:
1. A vendor has requested a walkthrough on February 22nd at 10:00am. We will be meeting at 306 Wimberly Street.
2. The bid due date for this application has been extended to March 5th, at 11:00AM (CST).
3. We have an update related to request 2. We have found an existing possible cable route between the field house, through the home side concession stand, and up to the home side press box.
We have found a 4" conduit in the mechanical room of the field house that comes up in the mechanical room of the home side concession stand. There is currently a POTS telephone line and a CAT 5e cable in that conduit. That cabling runs through the drop ceiling of the home side concession stand to a 2" conduit also in the drop ceiling. The 2" conduit leaves the home side concession stand, carrying a POTS telephone line & a coax cable, and comes up at the base of the home side stands in a box. The POTS telephone line breaks off to the elevator in a separate conduit. The 2" conduit leaves the box carrying the coax cable, runs up the stands and comes out of the floor in the middle of the home side press box.
With this new information, we are extending the bid due date until March 10th, at 11:00AM (CST). If you have already submitted a bid and would like to resubmit based on this new information, please do.
Vendor Questions:
Q1: Will you consider a Cisco Meraki solution?
A1: Only if it will work with our existing Ubiquity controller.
Q2: Could you please specify whether the Fiber Optic Cable will be installed outside or inside the buildings?
A2: Exterior between 3 structures in our stadium. The terminations will be interior.
Q3: Are you willing to consider multiple vendors for different portions of the project? For example, would you award one vendor for cabling, installation, and another for the hardware?
A3: Yes.
Q4: What would be the preferred brand of the cable?
A4: On the Form 470/RFP, no brand was specified.
Q5: How many years for licenses do you require?
A5: Our current solution doesn’t require licenses.
Q6: How many of the Access Points would be high ceiling?
A6: Not sure what your definition of high ceiling is, but here is what we have:
High School: Bulldog gym, retractable stands in front of locations (20’, 10’ from top of stands(I have used a ladder to access these)) - 4
Junior High: band hall (20’) – 3, cafeteria (20’) – 4
Intermediate: auditorium (12’) – 4
Primary Annex: auditorium (15’) - 4
We have other locations with high ceilings, but in those locations, the APs are mounted on the wall within reach of a ladder.
Q7: Will you require man-lift?
A7: We don’t require a man-lift, but you may need one in locations discussed in Question 6.
Q8: What would be the preferred specifications of the UPS?
A8: In the Form 470/RFP, no specifications were given, but our goal would be to power\protect equipment from power fluctuations and short power outages.
Q9: Do you require the removal of old equipment and cables? What would be the quantities?
A9: This project should not involve any old cabling and so no removal should be needed.
Q10: At the field house, would you want direct fiber "home runs" between the field house and each press box?
A10: You may want to price it either way.
Q11: On the 470, what are the 4 separate WAPs listed for?
Q11: They are for the press boxes. One external and one internal for the press boxes on both the home and visitor sides. On the externals, we are not trying to provide public wifi access.
For eRate 470 application 210024392:
Additional information:
1. None at this time.
Vendor Questions:
Q1: Could you please specify the required specifications for the hardware?
A1: No specifications were given. However, we are not trying to provide access to large groups or the general public with this equipment.
Q2: Do you require installation and initial configuration of the equipment?
A2: The RFP states "Pricing should include all equipment, configuration, installation, delivery, licenses, and fees." However, we will consider different vendors for installation and hardware.
Q3: Will you consider a Cisco-Meraki solution?
A3: Only if it will work with our existing Ubiquity controller.
Q4: How many years for licenses do you require?
A4: Our current solution doesn’t require licenses.
Q5: How many of the Access Points would be high ceilings, above 12 feet?
A5: I don't believe any would be above 12 feet.
Q6: Will you require man-lift?
A6: We don’t require a man-lift.
Q7: Will you consider refurbished equipment?
A7: The RFP states "Bids will be disqualified if they are not specific to our request or contain refurbished equipment."
Q8: Do you require removal of old equipment and cables? What would be the quantities?
A8: This project should not involve any old cabling and so no removal should be needed.
Q9: Could you please provide the floor plans/maps if any?
A9: I don't have any floor plans, but these locations are at 3 of our campuses and on first floor(if applicable) of the building's exterior.
Q10: Could you please specify the evaluation criteria if any?
A10: The evaluation criteria have not been determined yet
Q11: Is the site visit mandatory? if yes, could you please specify your availability for the site visit?
A11: The RFP states "A walkthrough is not required by the district."
Q12: Will you grant additional evaluation points for the site visit? if yes, how many?
A12: No.
Q13: How many points are granted for the vendor’s past relationship with the District if any?
A13: The evaluation criteria have not been determined yet, but in the past, we have used vendor’s past relationship with the district as a criteria.