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Service Design and Curriculum and Instruction

At Yoakum ISD, we are committed to meeting the needs of all students, including this special population. Our students have many gifts and talents that range from academics to art, performance, and music. The services described below address the advanced academic needs of gifted and talented students in specific intellectual ability and creativity. We are committed to placing gifted and talented students in classes that meet their needs academically.

A continuum of learning experiences will be provided in the Gifted/Talented services which lead to the development of advanced-level products and/or performances. Such services will include use of depth and complexity elements, differentiation of content, process and/or product in the regular or Pre-AP/AP classroom, a pull-out program in Elementary, participation in regional Gifted/Talented student seminars, independent studies, participation in the Texas Performance Standards Project, concurrent or dual-enrollment classes, and other services as deemed appropriate for the student. Services are available in all four core academic areas including Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Identified students will work independently, with other identified students, and with students of other abilities. Progress reports may be included in the student’s report card. Credit by Examination is available through Region 3 Education Service Center to assist students in acceleration through classes and/or grade levels. For more information on Credit by Examination, contact the student’s campus.

K-5 Services

Yoakum ISD’s campus has one G/T-trained teacher that implements a G/T Pullout Program. Identified students are pulled out of their regular classroom on a weekly basis. During the pullout program the Texas Performance Standards Project will be used as a guide for the independent study projects.

6-8 Services

G/T services at our junior high campus prepare students for advanced-level work beginning in sixth grade. We have designated honor classes that are designed to prepare students with the skills they need to be successful in advanced- level classes in high school. G/T students are placed in these classes with G/T-trained teachers. There is one G/T-trained teacher in every core subject area—math, science, social studies, and English language arts—on each sixth, seventh- and eighth-grade team. In these classes, students will master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills objectives as well as move on to advanced-level content. The Texas Performance Standards Project will be made available in all core areas.

9-12 Services

G/T services at our high school campus prepare students for college-level work.

We offer Pre AP® classes that help prepare students to take college-level courses while attending high school. At the high school, we offer at least one AP® class for each of the four core subject areas. If a student has an interest in an AP subject for which we do not have classes, we will look at Texas Virtual School for AP course opportunities. In addition to our AP classes, we have students who can enroll in Dual Enrollment at the nearby Victoria College. Junior or senior G/T students have an option to take an Independent Study Mentorship Class. We encourage all of our G/T students to graduate with a Distinguished Achievement Program Diploma—the highest diploma a high school student can earn. AP classes and the Independent Mentorship classes can help a student achieve that goal. The TTexas Performance Standards Project will be made available in all core areas.